Rogue River Academy Science
Monday, April 02, 2007
  Week 9 : April 2-6
1. Build a car powered by a mousetrap that goes at least 5 m.
2. Analyze the car's motion in terms of velocity, accleration, motion graphs and energy.
3. Be able to define energy, kinetic energy, gravitational potential energy and work.
4. Be able to solve problems with the above concepts.
5. Apply the law of conservation of energy to analyze actions.

Monday: Go over previous quiz. Brief intro to energy concepts. Group work around a three page reading. Homework Worksheet
Blockday: Review homework. Introduce Conservation of Energy. Start mousetrap cars. Homework Worksheet.
Thursday: Finish cars. Go over homework.
Friday: Race Cars. Analyze results.

1. Work and Energy 3 page reading and questions.
2. Energy Questions homework
3. Conservation of Energy Homework
4. Graph of car's motion and analysis of results.

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I have a degree in physics from Rice University and I have been teaching since 1994. This is my tenth year at Grant. I take educating students very seriously and am honored to have you or your child in my class. Email me at

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