Rogue River Academy Science
Sunday, March 18, 2007
  Week 8 March 19-23
1. Be able to combine forces to determine the net force.
2. Know and be able to apply Newton's Second Law: Fnet = ma
3. Know the rate that objects acclerate due to gravity.

Monday: Use a motion detector to examine graphs of changing velocity. Establish Newton's second Law.
Block day: A game in groups about acceleration, forces and Newton's Laws. Homework: Practice Problems with second law.
Thursday: Activities around dropping things and determining acceleration.
Friday: Finish activities, review and quiz.

1. Notes on acceleration and Newton's second law.
2. Practice Problems
3. Acceleration due to gravity handout.
Sunday, March 11, 2007
  Week 7: March 12-16
1. Be able to calculate average velocity from its definition, vel = change in deistance/change in time.
2. Be able to calculate average velocity from time vs. distance graphs.
3. On a distance vs. time graph, be able to describe how speeds change, based on the slopes of the graph.
4. Be able to interpret time vs. velocity graphs and match them with corresponding time vs. distance graphs.
5. Be able to define accelration and recognize that it is the slope of the velocity graph.

Monday: Go over quiz and group project matching motion graphs.
Block day: Collect time and distance data while racing. Start data analysis
Thursday: Continue analyzing racing results by making graphs of position and velocity and answering questions.
Friday: Discuss acceleration, review and quiz

1. Graph matching worksheet.
2. Running data table
3. Running time vs. distance graph
4. Running time vs. velocity graph
5. Running questions
6. Acceleration notes
Sunday, March 04, 2007
  Week 6: March 5 - 9
1. Be able to calculate average velocity from its definition, vel = change in deistance/change in time.
2. Be able to calculate average velocity from time vs. distance graphs.
3. On a distance vs. time graph, be able to describe how speeds change, based on the slopes of the graph.
4. Be able to interpret time vs. velocity graphs and match them with corresponding time vs. distance graphs.

Monday: Race Gliders and calculate their average speeds
Block day: Work on making and understanding graphs of motion. Homework: Graph and answer questions about motion data. (Sorry this isn't currently available online.)
Thursday: Continue graphing activity.
Friday:Review and quiz

1. Newton's Laws Review Activity (from last week)
2. Glicer Results Data Table
3. Flo Jo reading, questions and data
4. Distance Graph
5. Velocity Graph
This site will allow you to see what is happening in Mr. Medley's Academy Science class. I will post weekly goals and activities and make handouts available.


I have a degree in physics from Rice University and I have been teaching since 1994. This is my tenth year at Grant. I take educating students very seriously and am honored to have you or your child in my class. Email me at

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