Week 14 Dec. 11 -15
Goals: Continued from last week
Because I ws out of town, there was no quiz and I did not collect notebooks last Friday.
Activities Monday: Go over last week's work. Review. Block day: Practice quiz. Demonstrations. Review game. Thurday: Unit Test over density, behaviors of water, temperature phase changes and solubility. Friday: Go over test and fun stuff.
¶ 1:30 PM
This site will allow you to see what is happening in Mr. Medley's Academy Science class. I will post weekly goals and activities and make handouts available.
I have a degree in physics from Rice University and I have been teaching since 1994. This is my tenth year at Grant.
I take educating students very seriously and am honored to have you or your child in my class.
Email me at emedley@pps.net