Week 8 4/3 - 4/7
1. Build a car that goes four meters and is powered soley by a mousetrap.
2. Be able to define Work, Energy, Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy.
3. Understand and apply the law of conservation of energy.
4. Analyze simple transfomations of energy, including those involved in the mousetrap car.
Monday: Go over quiz. Start building mousetrap cars.
Block Day: Finish building mousetrap cars and test run them. Competition next week.
Thursday: Reading on Work, Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy. Worksheet with questions.
Friday: Questions about Conservaion of Energy and Mousetrap Cars. Turn in Notebook. No Quiz.
Note: I will have a substitute Thursday and Friday.
1. Reading and Answers about Energy
2. Worksheet about energy and mousetrap cars.