Week 10 April 18 - 21
1. Know and correctly apply conservation of energy.
2. Work problems with kinetic energy, potential energya nd work.
3. Be able to define energy, work, kinetic energy adn potential energy.
4. Determine acceleration from a velocity graph.
5. Know the rate that things accelerate due to gravity.
Block day: Finish mouse trap car project. See last week for links to handouts.
Homework : Conservation of energy worksheet.Thursday: Demonstrations about falling objects.
Take notes on the worksheet. Friday: Go over homework and review for quiz. Quiz and notebook at end of class.
Notebook contents
1. mousetrap car data
2.position graph of mousetrap car
3. instantaneous velocity worksheet.
4. Instantaneous velocity graph.
5 Conservation of energy homework.
6. Acceleration of falling objects worksheet.