Rogue River Academy Science
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
  First Week Goals and Activities
1. Develop and follow a procedure for collecting Oxygen and Nitrogen
2. Know and follow safety expectations
3. Know properties of Nitrogen and Oxygen gases
4. Be able to write equations for the reactions that produce N2 and O2 and know the formulae for the chemicals
5. Know the vocabulary: properties, catalyst, products and reactants
6. Know the composition of Air

Thursday, 9/8 - Friday 9/9 Introductions, Produce posters in groups
Hmwk: Write introductory letter to Instructor
Monday, 9/12 Lots of Paperwork, Introduction to lab
Block day 9/12-13 Experiment: Producing N2 and O2 Link to Lab Handout

Hmwk: Finish first page of individual answer sheet
Thursday 9/14 Debrief Experiment, Complete backside of answer
sheet, Demonstrations, Work with Vocabulary Flashcards Link to Flashcards
Friday 9/15 Review, Catch-Up, 10 min Quiz

The first honors assignment will be distributed on Monday and will be due the following Monday. See the links to the left for more information about the honors option.Link to First Honors Assignment

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This site will allow you to see what is happening in Mr. Medley's Academy Science class. I will post weekly goals and activities and make handouts available.


I have a degree in physics from Rice University and I have been teaching since 1994. This is my tenth year at Grant. I take educating students very seriously and am honored to have you or your child in my class. Email me at

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