Rogue River Academy Science
Monday, February 27, 2006
  Week4 Feb 27- March 3
Be able to state Newton's Third Law
Be able to apply the third law to every day situations including explaining how a glider gets its lift

Monday: Go over quiz, start poster project in groups - illustrate a situation from a list given in class and draw and label 6 pairs of action and reaction forces on it.
Block day: 20 minutes on Review Sheet Newton's First and Third Laws- Review and Study Sheet
. Finish and present posters. Homework: List three examples of action and reaction force pairs from the reading on a handout. Sorry the reading is not available on line.
Thursday: Start designing gliders on computers
Friday: Finish glider design. Quiz

Notebook contents:
Homework Reading and three action and reaction force pairs
Newton's First and Third Laws- Review and Study Sheet

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I have a degree in physics from Rice University and I have been teaching since 1994. This is my tenth year at Grant. I take educating students very seriously and am honored to have you or your child in my class. Email me at

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