Rogue River Academy Science
Sunday, February 25, 2007
  Week 5: Feb 26- March 2
Make a glider that successfully goes 4 meters - design, measure, cut, glue, sand, adjust and problem solve.
Be able to calculate average speed (average velocity) with vave = change in distance/ change in time.

Monday - Guest Speaker: Jay Locke from Intel will present on Engineering
Blockday - go over old quiz, work on glider
Thursday - 10 min final glider fine tuning, glider competition outside
Friday - Review and Test on Force Unit

the notebook will be combined with next week's notebook. For this week there will only be two items.
1. practice velocity problems
2. Review Sheet

Important note:
Grades are lower than I would like and I have offered several extra credit opportunities. One is finding mistakes on some student posters displayed in class. The other two are linked to below.
gliders extra credit link
Week 5 honors - dragsters
Monday, February 12, 2007
  Week 3 and 4 Feb. 12 - 16 and Feb 20 - 23

Note 1: Students have been shuffled to different periods. When checking grades be sure to check their new second semester section.

Note 2: Students will be building balsa wood gliders. Since students will be allowed to take these home with them, we are asking that students pay $1.00 for supplies. Students who can't or don't want to pay this have two choices: they can do an alternative assignment, or they can talke to me about making other arrangements.

1. Friction is a force that opposes motion due to interactions between surfaces.
2. The force due to friction can be measured by measuring the force required to drag an object at constant velocity
3. Be able to describe the effects of different surfaces and weights on the force due to friction.
4. Inertia is the tendency of an object to keep doing what it is already doing.
5. Be able to state and apply Newton's First law.
6. Be able to state Newton's Third Law
7. Be able to apply the third law to every day situations including explaining how a glider gets its lift

Monday- National ACT Explore Test

Block day - Demonstrations about Friction. Discussion of Newton's first Law.
Homework questions about reading. Sorry there is no electronic copy of this.
Thursday- Magnet Lab

Friday - Notes about Newton's Third Law Homework: List three examples of action and reaction force pairs from the reading on a handout. Sorry the reading is not available on line.

Monday - Presidient's Day

Block Day - Continue poster project in groups - illustrate a situation from a list given in class and draw and label 6 pairs of action and reaction forces on it.
Homework Review Sheet Newton's First and Third Laws- Review and Study Sheet
Thursday: Start designing gliders on computers
Friday: Finish glider design. Quiz

Notebook contents:
Homework Reading and three action and reaction force pairs

Content of Notebook (The notebook will probably be combined with the follwoing week's notebook since the contents will be very small.)

1. Reading and Questions about Newton's First Law
2. Notes about Friction and Newton's First Law

3. Magnet Lab: Data table and graph

4. Notes on Newton's Third Law

5. Newton's First and Third Laws- Review and Study Sheet

6. Glider Plans

Thursday, February 01, 2007
  Week 1 & 2 Semester 2 Feb. 1 - Feb 9
1. Know how a spring's stretch is related to the applied force.
2. Draw Force Diagrams correctly: Vectors(arrows) start on object feeling the force, direction is in the direction of the force, length is proportional to the force.
3. Know that forces are pushes or pulls
4. Know that no movement means the forces are balanced.
5. Know that weight is different than mass - it is the force due to gravity.
6. Know that 1 Newton is the weight of about 100 grams (two hexnuts).

Thursday: Try to explain why gliders glide. Develop background information about forces and springs. Homework: Write introduction for spring lab.Links to handouts for lab.
Friday: Design procedure and start data collection for experiment.
Monday: Finish collecting data. Homework: write procedure finish graphs.
Blockday: Discuss experimental results. Write district science anchor assignment. Homework: write experiment conclusion.
Thursday: Lecture and notes about forces.
Friday: Review, notebooks and quiz.

Notebook contents:
1. Scientific Work Sample Parts 1 and 2: Introduction and Procedure
2. Data Table
3. Graph
4. Conclusion
5. Lecture Notes
6. Practice Handouts
This site will allow you to see what is happening in Mr. Medley's Academy Science class. I will post weekly goals and activities and make handouts available.


I have a degree in physics from Rice University and I have been teaching since 1994. This is my tenth year at Grant. I take educating students very seriously and am honored to have you or your child in my class. Email me at

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